Homeopathic Treatment for Kidney| Kidney treatment by homeopathy

Chronic Kidney Disease Diagnosis Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a loss of renal function that gets worse with time. It is a condition that National Kidney Foundation can characterise classifies CKD according to GFR and other clinical signs. ckd diagnosis is essential at an early stage in order to avoid renal failure and slow its development. Treatment for CKD includes lifestyle changes as well as controlling blood pressure and medication to treat the underlying causes that contribute to the damage to the kidneys. Diagnosis Renal Failure If kidneys are not functioning properly when they are not functioning properly, it is known as renal failure. Acute renal damage occurs when the function of the kidneys is suddenly and completely lost. The chronic condition of renal function may result in chronic renal failure. Renal diagnosis is determined by blood and urine tests along with imaging techniques like CT scanning or ultrasonics. The negative side consequences of high creatinine ...