A Complete Guide to Renal Failure Diagnosis

Kidney dysfunction, sometimes called renal failure, occurs when the kidneys cannot filter extra fluids and waste materials from blood. The condition is potentially serious and requires immediate medical treatment. Knowing the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and diet factors related to kidney failure is essential to effectively managing the condition. The following are symptoms of kidney failure : Weakness and fatigue: Kidney failure can lead to anaemia, which causes weakness and fatigue. The fluid retention could cause swelling, particularly in the feet, ankles, and the face. Shortness of Breath: The accumulation of lung fluid can cause breathing problems. Increased Urination or a Lack of Urination: The kidneys can fail to maintain the balance of fluids, causing changes in the pattern of urination. A buildup of waste can cause nausea and vomiting. The loss of Appetite: A metallic taste and a sensation of fullness can decrease appetite. Trouble concentrating and confusion: Accumulat...