A Complete Diagnosis Guide for Decoding Kidney Health

 Kidneys, also known as bean-shaped organs, are approximately the size of your fist. They are located towards your back, just below your ribcage. The majority of people have two functioning renals, but if just one of them is functioning properly, you will continue to live a healthy and happy life. A renal performs a set of diverse functions. One of the renal’s most important functions is to aid in the body's toxin removal. The renals filter blood and eliminate waste in the form of urine(pee).

When your renals don't function correctly, it could indicate kidney damage and waste products build up in your body. Some kidney damage symptoms include:-

  1. The production of urine is decreased.

  2. The swelling of ankles, feet and legs due to the retention of fluid

  3. A difficulty in breathing

  4. Fatigue

  5. Confusion

  6. Nausea

  7. Weakness

  8. Abnormal heartbeat

The ability to manage these symptoms at the correct timing is vital to prevent kidney failure. If you take the proper care, numerous people can avoid renal problems. The identification and evaluation of suspected renal problems or illnesses constitute the kidney diagnosis. In most cases, a physical examination, as well as a thorough review of the medical history of the patient, are the first steps. Then various diagnostic tests, like kidney function tests, can be conducted to determine renal function, detect abnormalities, and determine the cause behind symptoms.

The renal diagnosis can be performed using imaging techniques such as ultrasound and CT scans. Additionally, samples of renal tissue could be examined by renal biopsies. For more accurate evaluations, advanced procedures such as MRIs and nuclear scanners may be used. The results of these tests assist kidney specialists in kidney disease diagnosis, aid in appropriate treatment strategies and track the progression of the disease.

Herbs for kidney disease include:-


It protects the renals from aflatoxin's negative effects. It does this because it is a source of alkaloids. Its antioxidant capabilities can eliminate the free radicals generated during aflatoxicosis, which reduces renal damage.


For T2DM people, it enhances plasma proteins and lowers the levels of creatinine and blood urea and can be beneficial in improving renal function.


Ginger's anti-inflammatory effects aid in lowering swelling and discomfort brought on by kidney inflammation.


This herb Triphala is ideal for improving renal function in a natural way. The renals and liver are the organs responsible for the elimination of toxins in the body.

Haritaki, Bibhitak, and Amalaki

The mystical trinity of rejuvenating herbs like Amalaki, Haritaki and Bibhitaki enhances renal tissue and improves plasma proteins, levels of creatinine and albumin and enhances renal function overall.

An acute renal impairment (ARF), often called acute kidney injury (AKI), is a short-term period of damage to the renals or failure that lasts from a short period of time, ranging from a few hours to days. AKI can make it more difficult for renals to maintain the right balance of fluids in your body and can cause an accumulation of waste products within your blood. AKI could also affect the heart, brain, and lungs, as well as other organs. Patients in hospitals and intensive care units and those with long-term illness especially often suffer acute renal injuries.

However, kidney treatment by homoeopathy can be a powerful treatment for renal problems. It aids in the prevention of other renal problems and diseases by removing the problem at its root. Renal diseases for which standard treatment is not effective homoeopathic treatment has proven efficient and effective.


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